Friday, April 2, 2010

Week 2 Day 6, Sat April 03, 2010

Goal for the workout:
Give your all on this short but intense benchmark. Set the bar high!

10 min of Stretching


2-3 Rounds of:
Run 400m
21 Kb Swings
12 Pull-ups

Last week we murdered Angie, now lets nail Helen!

"Pain is not evil, unless it conquers us."
- Charles Kingsley


  1. 8:09 as Rx

    Still felt wrecked from yesterdays WOD. This was a great lady though! Nice job everyone.

  2. 10:43 w/ 28kg KB (Did all 21 swings :-p)

    So a word of advice, don't go see Clash of the Titans in 3D at 12:05am and go to bed at 3:30ish am to wake up and perform Helen... no fun!

    I was freakin destroyed on this WOD!

  3. 13:24... I like to call today's workout Helen for Mamas... or BWH... I probably took at least a minute to help 2-year old Jane-ah in the bathroom mid-way through.

  4. Former Olympic athletes SHOULD have a handicap!

  5. I will go ahead and put a censored version of what I wrote in my log today - F*&k CrossFit F*%k this program, oh and yes F*$k being sick. I will now train at Gold's where I can destroy the lat pull down machine, and bust out some awesome laying hamstring curls!!!!

  6. Alena,

    Funny, I think everyone in the box knew what you were going to write in your log....before you wrote it! The broom and dustpan activities gave you away.....Please do not go to Golds or 24 Hour....

  7. Gene - only for you will I stay! LOL Love you guys and thank you for your support always!

  8. Alena,
    Are you in the dark night of the soul?

    Time to take the leap of faith. Faith in yourself, faith in your team mates, faith in the higher purpose.

  9. Coach -

    Dark night - holy shit was it ever! Thanks to you and my team for the never ending support, and even the offer to go to Gold's with me to "spot" me. :0)
