Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 13, Day 3 Discipline


10min of Stretching


Beginner: Run 0.5 mile

Intermediate: Run 1.5 miles

Advanced and Elite: Run 5k (3.1 miles)

Beat last weeks time, by a lot!

The definitive fish oil buyer's guide

SEAL/SWCC Training video

"A man of character finds a special attractiveness in difficulty, since it is only by coming to grips with difficulty that he can realize his potentialities"
-Charles de Gaulle-


  1. Awesome job Chandler!

    5k- 22:00 on a treadmill.

    Slowly catching you chandler, very slowly :-p.

  2. Foot still fractured.
    Subbed 2k swim for 5k run.

    2k swim---29:30

  3. Matt - Im envious of your treadmill... Running is so much easier on the treadmill, do you have a TV, cuz thats even better!
    I think I will get a treadmill for the expansion - "no guys dont wait for me Im running right here."
