Friday, June 18, 2010

Assesment Week, Day 4

Hopefully everyone is having as much fun with assessment week as I am!

Row 5000m
Max Thrusters in 1 min (42.5kg)
Max Box Jumps in 1 min (20")
Run 1.5m
Max Burpees in 1 min

Top 10 benefits of Blueberries

Examples of Good Running form

"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals. Because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment"
-Charles Darwin-


  1. I am going to be honest in telling you that I am getting a pedicure today during the hour I should be doing this, so Sunday will be my make up day. :-)

  2. Thrusters 31 (+7)
    Burpees Not sure
    Box Jumps 59 (+4)
    1.5 mile run 10:00 (-13sec))

    1000m Swim tomorrow at Golds Gym.
