Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 3 Week 2 - Wednesday 31, March 2010

Run 1 mile - easy intensity (you can talk but not in full sentences)
Run 1 mile - moderate intensity (you can only speak single words)
4 x 400m - high intensity with a 1 minute rest after each sprint

Record all 4 of your 400 m sprints

Warmup - Active stretch, skill transfer movements, whatever you need to be ready!


  1. 8:30 mile 1- easy
    7:30 mile 2 - windy

    1:30, 1:32, 1:32, 1:32 400's... ran the BBCF 400 loop... windy, but these times were about the same as my track times the first week.

  2. 1st mile-7:52
    2nd mile-6:52


    Good stuff and great job today everyone!

  3. I'm going to swim at Alf Sorenson tomorrow at noon (it's right next to Reed high school). If anyone is interested I'll see you there!

  4. That was quite the WOD! I actually did not for see myself beating my original 400m sprints but it was nice to see i still can push it :-)

    1st Mile: 7:59
    2nd Mile: 7:01

    1st: 1:24
    2nd: 1:30
    3rd: 1:25
    4th: 1:24

  5. Had to row - and Torrey how the HELL did you do that for so many years? I have decided as much as I dislike running rowing sucks too!

    Had Jason for company though, so it was all right. Hopefully this cold or whatever swine flu, bird flu, death bug I have is over this week!

  6. Alena, all I can say is that rowing is not that stupid machine... rowing is on the water,in the sunshine, making boats go fast, racing others, winning, traveling to fun places, racing others (did I already say that)?... winning... oh yeah, I said that too.

    I hate that machine as much as the next person... the only good thing about it, is that it always tells the truth... for better or worse.

    Maybe we can look into buying a BBCF rowing shell... heck, it's only 10 grand or so... we could train out on the Marina... 30 second pieces back and forth.

  7. Torrey - nice point, I will look into the racing shell. hahah
