Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 1 of Assessment

Hello fellow Warrior Athletes - today we embarq on an amazing experience mentally, physically, and as a team.

I can not think of a better group of individuals that I would share the next 9 months with. Thank you for becoming a part of this growth in our lives, and sharing it with one another.

Today is our first day of our first assessmnet week. We will perform the same assessment every 12 week cycle, with great accomplishments and achievemnet to be had.

Max push ups 2 mins
Max sit ups 2 mins
Max pull ups 1 set as many as possible
Max squat 2 mins
Max overhead press 2 mins 30kg/20kg
Run 3 miles for time


  1. Great start to an amazing program! Nice job today everyone.

  2. So far so good...

    Oh, and 10K row is over and done with this morning (Tuesday). Talk about finding your happy place... 41:44

  3. That 5k after all of that was freakin hard! I had the most horrible cramp ever :-( But awesome job 7pm crew :-)

  4. Great job on day 1 guys - 3 mile run awesome time - was it pose running??? No running kidnapper vans on Harvard at 5am...
