Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 3 Week 1, Wednesday 23, March 2010

Warm Up:

2-4 Rounds of:

5 Pull-Ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats


5 min easy pace (you can talk, but not full sentences)
5 min moderate intensity (you down to single words only)
5 min high intensity (you can hardly breath)

Turn around-the chase is on. Shoot for negative splits

At the turn around go hard all the way home. Make a note of the difference between the out and back


  1. Thanks Chandler and Mel.. The synchronized pulls were a lot of fun :-p.

    The distance is 1.78 miles
    Out : 15:00
    Back: 13:58
    Split: 1:02

    I didn't expect to get close to two miles with a easy and medium pace. Denny probably got like sixteen miles :-p.

  2. Scott, Steve & I did this one together on Veterans Parkway which was a great road for an out & back. We made it 1.82 miles out & snuck in under our negative split on the way back by less than one minute. 14:10 for me I believe.

    We left Denny out to dry by not informing him of the change in venue. Sorry about that again broski.

    I am really enjoying the programming so far.

  3. So I tried pulling this one off last night - let's say the hacking in my lungs ceased my attempt - I know making up WOD's may not be advised, but you will see muy big slowness on Sunday running in the Damonte area!
    I can not help it - I am sick in more ways than my cold!
