Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 26 Day 1 - Strength

OK... Vegas project is completed. Disney trip is done. Hopefully back to some sense of normalcy. Gonna try to get back into the swing of the 5AM class.

Warmup: Stretch

WOD: L Rounds for Time of

20 pull ups
Run 800 Meters
10 "High" Box Jumps or use Picnic Table
Run 800 Meters

There are no planned breaks during the workout, but you should feel that you are getting some relief on the runs. Therefore, push through the pull ups and box jumps with vigor and meter the runs to recover enough to power out the next set of pull ups or box jumps.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 24 Day 6 - Courage

Operation: Rock or Roll

Option A: Shorter Distance but Heavier

Run 1 Mile
Barbell Deadlift - 10,000 lbs or 4,550 Kg
Barbell Clean - 7,500 lbs or 3,410 Kg
Press, Push Press or Jerk - 5,000 lbs or 2,273 Kg
*Keep track of lists. Note time from beginning of run to end of all lifts

Option B: Longer but no Heavy Lifting
Run 10K (6.2 miles) with 25 lbs pack.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 24 Day 5 - Courage

10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2
*10 KB Windmills - Left (L)
*10 KB Windmills - Right (L)
*10 KB Swings (M)

L rounds for time of:
*50 push ups
*50 Sit Ups
*50 Squats

Run 3 Miles

50 Pull Ups (strict I'm guessing)

Time each element. Take a short break in between.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 24 Day 3 - Courage

Run 15 (yes FIFTEEN) kilometers.

A.K.A. - 9.3 Miles; 49,104 feet; 589,248 inches

Any suggestions as to time and place to meet for this run tomorrow? I don't know of any good 9.3 mile routes.

Week 24 Day 2

Faster... FASTER!

M rounds for time of...

10 Dumbbell Overhead Press (M)
10 Deadhang Pull Ups
Run 400 Meters

Rest 10 Minutes

M rounds for time of...

15 Dumbbell Push Press
15 Kipping Pull Ups
Run 400 Meters

Utilize explosiveness in element 2 to meet or beat the time of element 1.

Week 24 Day 1 - Courage

Workout: Hurry Up!

Run 2000 Meters (1.25 Miles)
50 Push Ups
50 Flutter Kicks
Run 1600 Meters (1 Mile)
40 Push Ups
40 Flutter Kicks
Run 1200 Meters (0.75 Miles)
30 Push Ups
30 Flutter Kicks
Run 800 Meters (0.50 Miles)
20 Push Ups
20 Flutter Kicks
Run 400 Meters (0.25 Miles)
10 Push Ups
10 Flutter Kicks

Track the number of sets it takes you to complete
*50 Deadhang Pull Ups
*100 Squats